As part of the first international project meeting (TPM-1), organized on 4 and 5 November 2020 by the umbrella organization and lead project partner VHS Bildungswerk GmbH, Gotha, Germany, we started implementing a project of strategic partnerships in the field of innovation and exchange of good practice – VACIDE (Vocational Action Competence in Digital Environments). Given the current circumstances (covid-19), we conducted the meeting virtually via the MS Teams platform.
All partner organizations VHS Bildungswerk GmbH and GEBIFO from Germany, Eurocultura from Italy and the Škofja Loka School Center from Slovenia participated in the meeting. At the introductory meeting, we agreed on the implementation of the planned activities of the project – the creation of a robotic arm for the purposes of education in school and company, the implementation of planned meetings (TPM, LTTA and MULTI); we set a timetable for carrying out all planned activities and meetings.